"You could add Inside Job haha :P and Outsourced ;) Dunno if Just A Kiss counts because it was in cinema but WITH the class. And didn't we watch Walk the Line in Class as well? Just some suggestions t"

"totally agreed. The sequels (99% of them) were so redundant!"

"Cool! Will definitely remember to have a look at'em :)"

"Love your choices! Oh Ewan in Phillip Morris was so gorgeous "

"Sehr schön verfasst! Die Bücher hören sich echt interessant und originell an."

"@Eesh: probably because in e.g. Japan such a school uniform is custom ^^"

"Nicely done! :D Why is it that I find these smileys so creepy haha? But I really love the idea! ;)"

"@Yulle: Oh my, I don't know how that happened! D: Corrected! :)"

"absolutely brilliant! Thank you for your hard work!!! :D"

"well, I only saw PoC 4 and the last HP from the films you listed here but with those I agree 100% and your arguments for the others are also convincing! great list :)"

"I love how you portay your lists! ♥ and I also love that smiley in the title x3"

"1. The Room 2. The Star Wars Holiday Special 3. Twilight 4. You Don't Mess with the Zohan 5. Vampires Suck 6. Catwoman 7. High School Musical 2 8. Eragon 9. Dorian Gray 10. Batman and Robin"

"1. Little Miss Sunshine 2. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas 3. The Lion King 4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 5. Fight Club 6. Inception 7. Oldboy 8. Princess Mononoke 9. V for Vendetta 10. Mysterious"

"I already decided to vote after I had seen the title :D"