“When Hamatora was announced as a new mixed-media project in 2013 I could barely contain my excitement as I’m a big fan of those in general. As soon as the manga got serialised I threw myself after the first chinese translations and when the first episode of the anime aired in January 2014 it looke” read more

"1. Little Miss Sunshine 2. The Imitation Game 3. Inception 4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 5. Lion King 6. V for Vendetta 7. Fight Club 8. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 9. Princess Mononoke 10. My"

"1. Twin Peaks 2. Queer as Folk (2000) 3. Sherlock 4. Hannibal 5. Invader Zim This motivates me to watch more series again."

"I love your writing style, it made me laugh a lot and wow, the more you know... Pokemon secrets are overwhelming, love this list!"

"Kami returns very shortly from her hiatus to leave a short comment here :) 1. Pokemon 2. Silent Hill 3. Mass Effect 4. Shin Megami Tensei 5. Super Mario 6. Assassin's Creed 7. Grand Theft Auto 8. Batm"

"wow this list idea is fantastic...and seeing some of dem makes me so nostalgic ;u;"

"wow, thank you so much for including my list *o*"

"Great! And oh, Arcanine is in the Top 3! Well that makes me happy. ♥ @PK: Thank you for your kindness as always, friend. You're so considerate!"

"1. Twin Peaks 2. Invader Zim 3. Queer as Folk (2000) 4. Sherlock 5. Extras 6. Avatar 7. Tiny Toons 8. Looney Tunes 9. Teen Titans 10. Legend of Korra I really don't watch much TV so this is the best "