"Brokeback Mountain Mysterious Skin Rocky Horror Picture Show Little Miss Sunshine I love you Phillip Morris "

"I must agree with GruntLogic :) Ôkami :D And thank you for including my SH2 list, btw x3"

"Great idea! Already the Chibi Pyramid Head in the description let me vote for this list. ♥ And it's really interesting to see the two versions of the character in contrast. I think I'll always be a "

"Sunday mag isch :) Aber escht mal, Stars (sind auch total normal und) denken, dass sie jetzt weil se famous sind das Recht rausnehmen können, ihren Kindern gaaanz besondere (absurde und strafende) Na"

"Niiice~! :D This list is inspiring. Would you mind if i did one too? After all my anime/manga lists I never even once thought of naming the masters themselves in a seperate list. :3"

"how about Götz Otto? he played one in several movies I think. oh, and Julia Dietze in Iron Sky ;)"

"Real great titles on this list, you've got my respect! I'm also playing ME 1 this year because I've always missed out on it all this time. ;) Deadly Premonition, yay!"