"very nice list ^__^ I like the texts u wrote :D"

"very nice list ^__^ I like the texts u wrote :D"

"how about adding Velvet Goldmine? :) love this list, love christian "

"the perfume one is fascinating *o* good to know there is another red sonja movie coming...รด.o after that other one that sucked so much xDDD "

"oh wow watership down *___* soo nostalgic >w< lol @ Joseph & Rico xDD Judge Dredd is so damn funny xD I'm glad u put them in ;) "

"cool choice :D I never got to see that prestige-Poster before! It's awesome :)"

"haha hilarious xDD I love it when they are like f**k off xDD very nice list :) "

"love it :D cool idea and lovely actors among them *____*"

"Oh my,...another captain america movie...!? 4 real?! xDD"

"haha what a great list. ur so right, all these movies are completely belonging there. Didn't see all of em (fortunately) but I can imagine xD Also like ur comments :D especially the Jonas Brothers one"

"very interesting list, I love it :D and ur comments are also great ^^"