"Shizu-chan must be the number one testy character in anime history! ♥"

"did I mention that I love your picture choices :)"

"James is awesome :3 And yay, 'Casanova'-kun ♥"

"YES, somebody who knows CCE as well and has the same opinion on it as me! *o*"

"awesome! somebody else that hates lizzy xD and great to see Nekozawa getting some credit :3 also I totally agree on Lenalee and Near...I never understood why so many ppl consider them their faves :o "

"very very nice and varied! :D luv it!"

"@ good point actually. Probably because when i made this list the game wasn't out yet. But I'm totally in love with N. Needa revise this list soon, then he'll be on here somewhere for sho ;D"

"I agree with johanlefourbe on Snape! he looked so weird in that part where he was supposed to be younger. :/ anyways, great list! :D"

"oh gawd, I'm ashamed of my country once again! xD"

"Great list! agree with you! (on the films i've seen) and that comment on superman returns- awesome! haha"