":D :D :D ...German dubs, another topic that better stays untouched...o_o"

"I must say, when I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Pt. 1+2) I really associated it with the NS-Regime and the holocaust in many scenes. That's urprsing because in the book I did not at a"

"Hahah, brilliant. Deutsche Filmübersetzungen...sind wirklich schrecklich. Fällt einem immer wieder auf wenn man mal durch ein Elektronikgeschäft schlendert. What were they thinking? Deine Kommentar"

"The Room is indeed a guilty pleasure, haha. "Oh hi Mark" Nice selections you've made."

"I love the comic images you used. When was there a Deadpool film? I though it wasn't out yet?"

"@LordDarkrei: Oh right, the one with the rapping dog and the dolphins' tears hahaha ;)"

"Kaworu~ ♥ I love that you included the Bolero in Digimon! :D Great idea for a list, really!"

"Oh god it makes me sick xD Nevertheless a nice idea for a list haha."

"wonderful list idea! 102 dalmatians also included the Nutcracker Suite in the Winter level :)"

"hahahahaha love it. White plastic erasers pwn any other kind of eraser. That one called me!"

"Such a beautiful list! *Q* If I could favourite it it'd be my number one and if I could rate it I'd give it 5 out of 5 stars. ♥ LOVE it! The LudwigXFeliciano kiss is adorable :3 And the emoticon in "

"I'm impressed! :D Oh, just remembered another pink character: Uniqua from The Backyardigans."

"Got some "suggies" :3 Oliver and Company Brother Bear Lady and the Tramp (I) Dumbo Home on the Range The Emperor's New Groove (kusco as a Lama) Jungle Book (Bagheera) that is all that comes to my min"

"Did you know that Spirit isn't a Disney film?! O_O I have been reminded several times put you must leave it in this list because it is LIKE one and so beautiful! ♥ *Oooooh ein neuer Mo~rgen, ein neu"