"@Ranzkind. No way it is! It's the films fault for not giving me a more special end after the climax. :)"

"1. Assassin's Creed 2 2. Okami 3. Super Mario 64 4. GTA San Andreas 5. Halo Reach 6. Batman Arkham Asylum 7. 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue 8. Donkey Kong Country 9. Canis Canem Edit 10. Pokemo"

"1.Guy Ritchie 2.Tim Burton 3.Christopher Nolan 4.Edgar Wright 5.Alfred Hitchcock 6.David Fincher 7.Quentin Tarantino 8.Steven Spielberg 9.George Lucas 10.David Lynch"

"1.Ewan McGregor 2.Jopseh Gordon-Levitt 3.Christian Bale 4.Cillian Murphy 5.Tom Hardy 6.Johnny Depp 7.George Clooney 8.Mark Strong 9.Michael Caine 10.Bill Nighy"

"real great list! my only addition would be 'Three' (http://www.listal.com/movie/three-2010) if u want to :)"

"great ^__^ oh my, that makes me remember the time when ! learned the hare hare yukai dance. :) So frikkin hard!! :O"

"@ Dvdmacyoshi & Psychoffspring: totally agreed, but wallace was the one that I liked 100% when the others were about 98 % ;)"

"haha great u added secret window โฅ Maiskolben ftw *aufleg* :D thank you for the cameo, but pleeease don't pick a scary one for the 16th. Jilke and me would hate y'all ;D"

"brilliant :) pls post more when there might be some new ones from Van Genderen :3"

"d'aww this list makes me so happy โฅ"

"Great List! :D As cool as a film versions may sound I'm still very concerned that they will mess up stuff like Infamous, Halo, Shadow of the Colossus..well almost every game that hasn't been picturis"

"such an extensive list, great! :D those hp7 posters look so weird I dunno xD"

"haha I immediately associate the remix with Bale's outburst xD"